“It’s my thunderstorm,” Toft thought. “I did it. At last I can describe things for myself so that they can actually be seen. I shall describe things for the last Nummulite, the little Rodiolaria who belongs to the Protozoa family . . . I can make thunder roll and lightning flash, I am a Toft whom nobody knows anything about.”
When I was in middle school, I used to make a new blog/xanga every few months - meticulously scrolling through premade themes, choosing just the right background song to suit my current mood, brainstorming post ideas... I fell in and out of creative ruts and sparks of inspiration.
Lately, I've been frustrated by how niche social media wants my interests to be: one instagram account for this very niche interest, a tumblr for another one.. and they can never crosshairs because people just aren't going to be interested in all of you; only the parts they have a mutual hyperfixation on.
So this is all of me - or all that I feel like sharing for now.
11 May 2023: 40+ added to Book Nook + a short Blog udpate!
28 October: added several book reviews to my Book Nook, a short blog post, and an updated tarot wishlist.
23 September: Quick update of what I've been reading in the Book Nook.
22 September: I'm alive and there's a final post to my Summer 2022 Depth Season up!
27 August: added my intuitive study of the Emperor card in the major arcana and a couple more quick reviews to the Book Nook.
16 August: Archived my old Tarot Wishlist and wrote a new one for the month of August. I've made a conscious decision that some of the decks on the old list will not be purchased, while others are still present on this one! Other updates include a short blog entry, new makeup bag recap in Deco, and I refreshed my reading list in the Book Nook.
10 August: Empress study is up in the Intuitive Tarot Study project section of the site.
7 August: Joined the Yesterweb ring and added a small widget to the sidebar! Other updates include a new blog post for my Depth Season, a review of Honey Girl in the Book Nook, photos of this past week's makeup bag in Deco, and Chapter Two of my Magical Year playthrough in Games.
5 August: New series - weekly makeup basket post to the Deco section (which has been gathering dust for a while...) Since I am staying at my parents house and don't have a dedicated space for all of my makeup, I'm trying to rotate products regularly to encourage myself to think creatively. Smaller updates include two more entries to my 2022 Book Nook reviews and new stickers in the Graphics section from Sukiyaki City. My site should also be hotlink free at this point since I have moved all files from Post Images to Neocities.
3 August: Added a brand new section under games for an archive of my play through of Magical Year of a Teen Witch. I'm still new to sharing my creative writing, especially one featuring an original character that I'm attached to so please be kind! If you want to tell me about your own witchsona, please share the details in the guestbook.
1 August: Added an archived draft of my Sealed Library solo-journaling adventure to the Games section.
26 July: Updated all of the links to "toybox" to "toy canon," to keep it from being confused with toy boxes for sprite collectables. Speaking of which, there's a new Toy Canon update today for Littlest Pet shop!
22 July: High Priestess article added to the Intuitive Tarot project! Also added a brief review of The Memory Police to my BookNook and remembered to update my age in the About section lol
21 July: Added the Muppet Tarot (unofficial name) to my Tarot Wishlist and updated my links section. Key of Key's Klubhouse made a button for my site! I'm incredibly thankful since I have no idea how to do that on my own haha
18 July: Mid-July Depth Season Check-in is up in the Blog section.
12 July: Wrote mini-reviews of all the books/series that I read in 2021 (minus One Piece because I'm not finished yet and prefer to assess a longform series in one go.)
7 July: Magician Intuitive Study is up on the Tarot section!
5 July: New section: Games! I have sections on what I am active playing and what is on my backlog along with a mini-shrine for solo journaling games, which I hope to actively work on some more. I've sorted out my directory and began relocating my images to the server so that I no longer have to rely on PostImages.
2 July: updated Book Nook with the remaining books I have read this year, including Blue Flag which I just finished reading this afternoon! A link to my Guestbook has been added to the sidebar. Small blog update. Enjoy!
1 July: wrote an overview of my Intuitive Tarot Study Project and included my first entry on The Fool. It's possible as I write more of these entries that I will tinker with the formatting, but any changes will be identified here.
30 June: created the Book Nook section for posting mini-reviews of books I have read and added some of my own stickers to Graphics section. I also made stylistic changes to the font across the site and will probably keep tinkering with style features as I read more CSS tips.
27 June: added my Summer Depth Season to the Blog section with some thoughts on why I'm starting this project and what I am choosing to focus on for the next few months.
26 June: Barbie Toy Canon added to the toybox (with minor update to the end of the My Little Pony article.) More sidebar cleanup.
24 June: added my Tarot Aesthetics section and included Seed and Sickle Oracle to my wishlist because I am a CLOWN.
23 June: updated the wishlist section to my Tarot page and a quick blog post. I have a draft of my tarot aesthetics in process and then I will probably start writing my very first Tarot Study article. I'll get back to toys soon though :) Promise.
30 May: last week, I posted an update to my tarot page with a breakdown of my deck inventory for 2022 thus far. There's also a new shrine section for Animal Crossing. It's a chunky update so please enjoy!
24 May 2022: updated the aesthetics of the site so that there are new Moomin characters with matching color palettes! Added new a deco page for writing about makeup and a graphics page to feature adoptables, blinkies, and stamps. Also, there's a new essay in the toybox covering some of my most frequently used Polly Pocket playsets!
21 May 2022: added the "toybox" page with an overly detailed history of my childhood canon for My Little Pony G1 toys.
20 May 2022: added a "same" page to my shrine section. Experimenting with the design spacing to see what I like best before making the site layout more fully uniform.
19 May 2022: added my shrine page including a page detailing some of my favorite fandom ships! Started adding cute adopts to my navigation bar.
18 May 2022: new blog post is up!